Supplementary Data and Tools - مجموعات البيانات
Project ID | adb0f3e1-d1ce-41fe-b2ea-7636df3dddd4 |
Hydrogen Storage Materials Database
9 ResourcesThe Hydrogen Storage Materials Database is a comprehensive collection of research on hydrogen storage materials. It includes data from U.S. Department of Energy-funded research... -
HyMARC Sorbent ML Data Tool
3 ResourcesThis stand alone web application was a collaboration between NREL and UM. Please site any use of this tool or these data: https://doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv.13345250.v1 -
Best Practices for Hydrogen Storage Materials Characterization
4 ResourcesRecommended Best Practices for the Characterization of Storage Properties of Hydrogen Storage Materials This report, written by H2 Technology Consulting under contract with the...