- Email Maintainer
عنوان الموقع URL: https://datahub.hymarc.org/dataset/7a6c0168-6943-45ea-8ac6-7d26849adcc7/resource/312265cb-59cf-4e05-b594-010baedc29e7/download/emn_fileuploader_windows_v_1_4.exe
Please use your discretion to upload only the (number of) files you want to upload to the data hub. To use this data tool, download the .exe file on your Windows machine then run the file. This file only works on Windows machines. You will need to copy your API key from the Data Hub you will upload data to. To get your API key, click on your username in the upper right, above the Home tab; scroll to find your API key.
This API has several functions
1.) Create new datasets and upload a variety of files to the dataset. 2.) Add new files to an existing dataset. 3.) Add many files of the same type with the same metadata at once. 4.) Depending the file type, this tool will extract the file (TEM & Raman) metadata automatically.
لا توجد صيغ عرض منشأة لهذا المورد بعد.
Resource Metadata
metadata modified | قبل 6 سنوات |
mimetype | application/x-msdos-program |
size | 34.7 ميجابايت |
آخر تحديث | 13 يوليو 2019 |
أنشئت | 13 يوليو 2019 |
تنسيق | application/x-msdos-program |
الترخيص | لم يتم تزويد أية رخصة |